Megan's Cooking Log

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Archive for the ‘Crafts – Ebelskivers’ Category

honey-glazed buttermilk ebelskivers

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Snow days call for a special warm afternoon snack, and these sounded perfect.  They’re a bit heavier than the ebelskiver recipes I’ve tried before, which I think would have actually made them a better side dish than main dish.  It was all kind of a bit much.  I could see serving these as a side to a chilled berry soup.  Sans the honey glaze, which was very simple to do and added a light touch of crunchy goo to the exterior, they would be excellent for a savory hot soup.

Which is to say that they were very good, but they didn’t quite hit the mark as a stand-alone late afternoon snack.  At least for me, because I prefer my late afternoon snacks light.  The filled ebelskivers that I usually make are better for that.

Honey-glazed buttermilk ebelskivers.  From Ebelskivers: Filled Pancakes and Other Mouthwatering Miniatures, by Kevin Crafts.  Pg 30.

Written by Megan

February 3, 2011 at 8:05 pm

Posted in Crafts - Ebelskivers

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