Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Archive for the ‘d’Avila-Latourrette – This Good Food’ Category

Rice Bread

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I was intrested in this recipe, because I wanted to know what on earth rice bread was.  Turns out it’s just a savory rice pudding.  An awful lot of savory rice pudding: I put half of it in the freezer because lord knows who’s going to eat it all.  And it doesn’t look quite as unappetizing in real life as in the above photograph: it really does look like a pile of vomit.  Lovely.  It’s colored slightly pink by the addition of a simple homemade tomato sauce.

Unfortunately, the cooking time was off.  Maybe it was because I used my fancy ceramic mold, but that shouldn’t really add all that much time.  The puddings (because we used two molds) were in there for over an hour.  Which meant that we did not eat them with dinner, so I guess we’ll be having them tomorrow night.  With something or other.  I nibbled a bit at one, and it tasted quite good.

I have to say that although I really like the recipes in this cookbook, they are remarkably vague.  For instance, this one just said to “slice the tomatoes.”  Reading between the lines, I think it actually wanted me to dice them.

Rice Bread, from This Good Food: Contemporary French Vegetarian Recipes from a Monastery Kitchen, by Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourrette.  Pg 37.

Written by Megan

January 23, 2011 at 10:38 pm

Mashed Turnips and Apples

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Oops.  I halved the recipe, because I knew no one but me would eat this.  But I forgot to halve the wine.  As a result, the taste of alcohol was way overpowering.  B said it was delicious, but I would have preferred a little less booze.

Mashed Turnips and Apples, from This Good Food: Contemporary French Vegetarian Recipes from a Monastery Kitchen, by Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourrette.  Pg 48.

Written by Megan

January 23, 2011 at 8:52 pm

Leek Tart

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Not quite a tart, not quite a quiche… almost a custard, maybe?  A savory leek custard?  Sounds strange, but the results were delicious.  The interior was very creamy, though perhaps the flavor could have been a bit more intense.  The crust had an egg in it plus a lot of water (5tbs… most crust recipes have 3).

I even tricked Bibs into eating some.  She asked what it was, and I said pie.  She ate quite a few bites before figuring out that it was an onion pie.  She took it gracefully, though.  She ate the crust… that counts for something, right?

This would make a nice brunch dish.  But I might add something else, to give it a deeper flavor.  The creamy texture was nice, but the flavor lacked something.  Still, it was good.

Leek Tart, from This Good Food: Contemporary French Vegetarian Recipes from a Monastery Kitchen, by Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourrette.  Pg 36.

Written by Megan

January 19, 2011 at 10:27 pm

Light Waffles

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Not a great recipe, but really good waffles.  How on earth are you supposed to “gently fold” beaten egg whites and whipped cream into a very thick, heavy, yeasted dough?  I had to take the electric mixer again and beat the bejeezus out of it to get it somewhat incorporated.

It was the first time I’ve made yeasted waffles.  They were a bit heavier and more substantial that most of the waffles I’ve ever made.  They were good, but I’m not sure I’m in love with them.  They were very rich, and that was definitely good.  But I tend to like lighter breakfast fare.  The kids seemed to love them, though.  The recipe didn’t make all that many, either: I got 8 plus a tiny little spare one.  I’m looking to make more than that, so I can keep them in the fridge and give them to the kids as snacks.

Thinking about it, I bet they would be really good as waffle sundaes, with ice cream and some hot fudge sauce.  I don’t think they’d get soggy and mushy right away, like a fluffier waffle recipe would.

Light Waffles, from This Good Food: Contemporary French Vegetarian Recipes from a Monastery Kitchen, by Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourrette.  Pg. 66

Written by Megan

January 18, 2011 at 9:37 pm