Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Archive for the ‘Easy Vegetarian’ Category

Carrot and Spinach Butter Mash

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This was so good… so very, very good.  I ate the entire recipe.  I must have been craving one or the other ingredients, because it was one of those things where I just couldn’t get enough.  The leek tart I also made tonight took so long that I had eaten 1/2 the pot of this before I had even served dinner.

It was very very easy to make, too.  Boil carrots until soft, drain very well (the recipe suggests cooking them a bit longer without water in the pan), then mash with some butter, throw in the spinach, and let that wilt a bit.  I used frozen spinach, because that’s what I had on hand.

I’ll absolutely be making this again.

Carrot and Spinach Butter Mash, from Easy Vegetarian: Simple Recipes for Brunch, Lunch and Dinner, edited by Sharon Ashman.  Pg 116.

Written by Megan

January 19, 2011 at 10:22 pm