Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Archive for the ‘Haedrich – Country Baking’ Category

whole wheat corn bread

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A very heavy cornbread that was perfect for the stew that we had it with.  It would probably hold up well if you poured a stew or some veggies in a thick sauce or something like that over it: I always like mixing bread and soup.  This recipe is exactly what it says: whole wheat and cornmeal are the only two flours in it.  It’s a bit too heavy to be my go-to cornbread recipe, but it definitely has its place.

Whole-wheat-corn-bread, from Ken Haedrich’s Country Baking.  Pg 45.

Written by Megan

February 4, 2011 at 8:31 pm

Posted in Haedrich - Country Baking

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onion-flecked parmesan biscuits

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“What does onion-flecked even mean?” B asked when I told him the name of this recipe.  Um, topped with apparently?

I liked the idea of these, but they weren’t quite there.  They needed more lift.  As you can see in the photo, they’re pretty flat.  They have some cornmeal, which gives them an interesting texture, but they need to be a bit lighter.  I did like the flavor: the parmesan, dried basil, and cornmeal gives them a rich and unique flavor.  I’d like to try experimenting with the ingredients and a slightly different biscuit recipe: maybe a simple buttermilk one.  The last Cook’s Country has a cornmeal biscuit: maybe that would be worth tweaking.

It didn’t help that we had them with my disastrous egg drop soup, and that we had had a huge, rich pancake lunch two hours earlier, but no-one really ate these.  We had a snow day today, so our eating schedule was way off: a late breakfast, due to the power cut, then 2nd breakfast at 10:30ish, then pancake lunch at 3ish, and I couldn’t put the kids to bed without any dinner, so we had soup and biscuits and cupcakes for dessert at about 5:30.

Onion-Flecked Parmesan Biscuits.  From Ken Haedrich’s Country Baking: Simple Home Baking with Wholesome Grains and the Pick of the Harvest.  Pg 31.

Written by Megan

January 12, 2011 at 10:22 pm