Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Archive for the ‘Madison – Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone’ Category

Rice and Summer Squash Gratin

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I pretty much suck as a vegetarian, because I’m not really a huge fan of this cookbook, which is basically the Bible for most vegetarians.  It’s the one that I ALWAYS see recommended for vegetarians or people who want vegetarian recipes.  But, I have to say that most everything I’ve cooked from it has been something of a dud.

This recipe, however, was AMAZING.  It was a bit labor intensive, with separate steps for making the béchamel sauce and then you saute the zucchini and then you mix it all with herbs and cheeses and then you bake it, but it really was pleasantly rich and creamy.  I used the rest of my homemade mozzarella.

The kids, obviously, wouldn’t touch it.  So I ate their portions too.  But I’d definitely make it again.

Rice and Summer Squash Gratin, from Deborah Madison’s Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone.  Pg 547

Written by Megan

January 11, 2011 at 6:18 pm