Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Archive for the ‘McLaughlin – Good Mornings’ Category

Borrowed Home Fries

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A potato hash with peppers, onions, and mushrooms.  It was a little bit creamy, and the onions and peppers added a touch of interest.

Borrowed Home FriesGood Mornings: Great Breakfasts and Brunches for Starting the Day Right, by Michael McLaughlin.  Pg 59.

Written by Megan

December 24, 2010 at 3:37 pm

Baked Bananas

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Made as part of Christmas Eve  breakfast.  I wanted to do something fun with the fruit, and this fit the bill.  Bobs was scared of it, but Bibs went for thirds.  Delicious!

Baked Bananas, Good Mornings: Great Breakfasts and Brunches for Starting the Day Right, by Michael McLaughlin.  pg 67.

Written by Megan

December 24, 2010 at 3:34 pm

Posted in McLaughlin - Good Mornings

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Great Buttermilk Pancakes

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“Second Breakfast” is our Sunday morning tradition, and I always try to make something nice.  Either B or I sleep late (lately, every week is my turn, because I’m the one up all night with the babe), and whoever wakes up at daybreak with the older kids makes them their usual oatmeal.  Then when both parents are awake and downstairs, we have Second Breakfast, which should probably be called brunch, but that seems a bit pretentious.

This week I left my usual buttermilk pancake recipe on my computer upstairs, so I looked for a new one in one of my many breakfast cookbooks.  This one fit the bill perfectly, and it was quite delicious.  I subbed out the 1/4 cup of rice flour, because we didn’t have any, and I added more buttermilk because I like my pancakes thin.

I also used our Christmas pancake molds that I bought last January for a pittance!  Thanks to my new Pancake Pen, which was a truly brilliant invention, they came out perfectly.

Great Buttermilk Pancakes. Good Mornings: Great Breakfasts and Brunches for Starting the Day Right, by Michael McLaughlin.  Pg. 30.

Written by Megan

December 12, 2010 at 1:30 pm