Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Archive for the ‘Rosso and Lukins – New Basics’ Category

buttermilk waffles

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Another day, another waffle recipe.  These were really good, a little bit crispy but also light and fluffy.  I’ll definitely be making these again.

buttermilk waffles, from New Basics, pg 452

Written by Megan

February 21, 2011 at 8:04 pm

chocolate fudge sauce

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I was told that I had promised to serve my chocolate banana bread pudding with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.  Funny, I remember making no such promises.  However, it was easy enough to make: chocolate chips, butter, vanilla, and cream over a double boiler.

Chocolate fudge sauce, from The New Basics Cookbook.  Pg 662.

Written by Megan

February 18, 2011 at 9:36 pm

Basil Pesto

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The basil I bought last week for some other recipes was starting to go south, so I decided to turn it into a pesto to freeze until it’s needed.  This was a VERY simple recipe: just basil, garlic, oil, and salt.  Every other recipe I’ve made has included nuts and parmesan.  But the simplicity worked, and it really let the flavors of the garlic and the basil shine through.  I’ll have to report back when I actually use it.

Basil Pesto, from The New Basics Cookbook, by Julee Rosso and Sheila Lukins.  Pg 12.

Written by Megan

January 21, 2011 at 7:19 pm

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Sweet Potato Maple Muffins

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We never got around to making our fancy Christmas dinner, and so began the rush to use some of the ingredients I had bought.  This recipe happened to flip open while I was looking for something interesting to do with brussels sprouts, and it looked intriguing.

And it was absolutely delicious.  Not as rich as the pumpkin muffins I made from the Flour cookbook last week, but also a tad bit healthier so it was a tradeoff I accept.  The tops were deliciously chewy, and the interior nice and soft.  None of the flavors were too overpowering, but they melded together nicely.

Sweet Potato Maple Muffins.  Julee Rosso and Sheila Lukins, The New Basics Cookbook.  Pg 628.

Written by Megan

December 29, 2010 at 8:17 am