Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Archive for the ‘Schulz – American as Apple Pie’ Category

nutty sour cream apple pie

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I love apple pie, but wanted something a little different.  And I had some sour cream that needed to be used or tossed today.  And so the perfect solution!

This pie was delicious.  The filling is a little custardy, but certainly not as much as the apple pie in orange custard that I made back in January.  It was also a much heavier pie.  But the custard was just creamy enough and the apples just soft enough to create a really interestingly textured filling.

The crust is made with a bit of orange rind and orange juice instead of water, and that was an interesting idea, but I’m not sure it really came through in the final product.  But still, an interesting idea.  I’d rather like to play with it in the future.

Nutty sour cream apple pie, from Philip Stephen Schulz’s As American as Apple Pie.  pg 21

Written by Megan

April 18, 2011 at 10:38 pm

Posted in Schulz - American as Apple Pie

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