Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Archive for the ‘Villas – Biscuit Bliss’ Category

cheddar biscuits

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This was an excellent recipe: much better than my previous cheddar biscuit endeavor.  They used a lot less cheese, and it was a much better balance.  They were light and fluffy, like the other recipes I’ve made from this book.  A great cheddar biscuit recipe!

Cheddar biscuits, from Biscuit Bliss by James Villas.  Pg 39

Written by Megan

March 17, 2011 at 7:48 pm

Posted in Villas - Biscuit Bliss

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indian cornmeal biscuits

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Still on the search for a nice, hearty biscuit to have with a heavy stew, and this seemed like a good contender.  It was a bit heavier than ideal, and the rise wasn’t what it could be.  I’m not sure I’d make these again, though they were good with butter and honey for breakfast.

Indian cornmeal biscuits, from James Villas’ Biscuit Bliss, pg 29

Written by Megan

March 11, 2011 at 7:57 pm

Posted in Villas - Biscuit Bliss

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traditional baking powder biscuits

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I think we’ve all noticed my biscuit love by now, and a request to my mother for her copy of this book resulted in her sending me my very own.  Hooray!  Thanks, Mom.  A whole book of biscuits.

The baking powder ones seemed a simple way to start, and boy were they amazing.  Just look at the rise on those babies.  They poofed straight up, and were as flaky and buttery and delicious as biscuits could possibly be.

I did substitute butter for the shortening.  Hello, Mr. Villas: it’s 2011.  I don’t even own shortening.  I’m sure that changed the texture, but these were so good it’s hard to see how they could be improved.

Traditional baking powder biscuits, from Biscuit Bliss: 101 Foolproof Recipes for Fresh and Fluffy Biscuits in Just Minutes, by James Villas.  Pg 10.

Written by Megan

February 10, 2011 at 11:39 am

Posted in Villas - Biscuit Bliss

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