Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Posts Tagged ‘salads

Ambrosia Salad

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Occasionally I’ll be reading a cookbook and see a recipe for Ambrosia Salad.  “This is not your grandma’s Ambrosia Salad!” it will proclaim, and then it will include such high class, nutritious, tasteful ingredients as leafy greens no one had ever heard of before the 1980s, fancy cheeses, exotic oils, and strange fruits.


Sorry, folks, there’s only one ambrosia salad worth having.  If it doesn’t have mini marshmallows, why bother?  This recipe is based on one that my mother told me.  Crushed pineapple, mandarin oranges, sweetened coconut, mini marshmallows, all mixed with lemon yogurt.  Since lemon yogurt is nearly impossible to find, I use plain yogurt with a little bit of lemon jello powder.  Then you let it all sit in the fridge overnight so the marshmallows melt a little and it becomes a thick, goopy, jello-esque salad.

The result is a sickeningly sweet treat that is just perfect for Christmas morning.  And God bless us, every one.

Ambrosia Salad, based on one my mom told me how to make.


Written by Megan

December 25, 2010 at 10:06 am

Posted in Mom

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egg salad with dill

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I don’t actually like egg salad, so I didn’t love this recipe.  It was also extremely mustardy, and I’m not a big mustard person either.  B, however, tasted it and said that it was best egg salad he’s ever had.

He’s home today, and I had the leftover eggs from the bentos yesterday, so this is about as fancy as lunch gets around here.

Egg salad with dill, from The Silver Palate Cookbook, by Julee Rosso and Sheila Lukins.  pg 221

Written by Megan

December 3, 2010 at 8:53 am