Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Posts Tagged ‘Savory Tarts

Leek Tart

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Not quite a tart, not quite a quiche… almost a custard, maybe?  A savory leek custard?  Sounds strange, but the results were delicious.  The interior was very creamy, though perhaps the flavor could have been a bit more intense.  The crust had an egg in it plus a lot of water (5tbs… most crust recipes have 3).

I even tricked Bibs into eating some.  She asked what it was, and I said pie.  She ate quite a few bites before figuring out that it was an onion pie.  She took it gracefully, though.  She ate the crust… that counts for something, right?

This would make a nice brunch dish.  But I might add something else, to give it a deeper flavor.  The creamy texture was nice, but the flavor lacked something.  Still, it was good.

Leek Tart, from This Good Food: Contemporary French Vegetarian Recipes from a Monastery Kitchen, by Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourrette.  Pg 36.

Written by Megan

January 19, 2011 at 10:27 pm

Carrot and cumin tart

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Kind of a PITA to make… at least more so than the glazed carrots I usually make as the designated carrot side dish.  But it was still good, if a little bland.  Maybe I should have added more cumin: I felt like I added a ton.  I only had ground cumin, and not the cumin seeds that the recipe called for.  It is striking looking, though the cheese I used (Ementhal from Trader Joe’s) did create a lot of oil that didn’t look terribly appetizing.  I had to sop some of it up.

Carrot and cumin tart, from Williams Sonoma’s Vegetable cookbook.  Pg 85.

Written by Megan

December 5, 2010 at 4:38 pm

Posted in WS - Vegetable

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