Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Posts Tagged ‘spinach

Spinach with Dressing

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Another Amish recipe with a bit too much vinegar.  This time I know I followed the directions, but it was just… not good.  I don’t really like mayonnaise, either, so that was a bit much.  There are better ways to cook spinach.

Spinach with Dressing, from From Amish and Mennonite Kitchens, by Phyllis Pellman Good and Rachel Thomas Pellman.  Pg. 134

Written by Megan

February 14, 2011 at 8:49 am

Potato-Carrot-Spinach Soup

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A deliciously creamy soup with a deep and interesting flavor.  B even loved it, though of course the kids didn’t touch much.  I ate the whole bowl without even noticing, and I’m looking forward to the leftovers tomorrow.

Very, very easy to make, too.  Boil potatoes and carrots in water, add sauteed onions, blend.  Add spinach leaves, serve.  I tried to increase the chances that small people would actually eat it by blending the spinach leaves, too.  I think it worked better: who wants to eat giant spinach leaves in your soup?

Potato-Carrot-Spinach Soup, from the Beyond the Moon Cookbook, by Ginny Callan.  Pg 91

Written by Megan

February 3, 2011 at 5:51 am

Carrot and Spinach Butter Mash

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This was so good… so very, very good.  I ate the entire recipe.  I must have been craving one or the other ingredients, because it was one of those things where I just couldn’t get enough.  The leek tart I also made tonight took so long that I had eaten 1/2 the pot of this before I had even served dinner.

It was very very easy to make, too.  Boil carrots until soft, drain very well (the recipe suggests cooking them a bit longer without water in the pan), then mash with some butter, throw in the spinach, and let that wilt a bit.  I used frozen spinach, because that’s what I had on hand.

I’ll absolutely be making this again.

Carrot and Spinach Butter Mash, from Easy Vegetarian: Simple Recipes for Brunch, Lunch and Dinner, edited by Sharon Ashman.  Pg 116.

Written by Megan

January 19, 2011 at 10:22 pm