Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Posts Tagged ‘Tomatoes

quick tomato sauce

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I had a bunch of tomatoes on the turn, and a few meatballs left in the freezer, and half an hour before the kids needed dinner, so I happened upon this recipe for “quick tomato sauce.”  However, the authoresses have a slightly different definition of “quick,” so dinner was pretty late.

I did sort of burn it, but it still tasted good.  Not, like, the most amazing sauce ever, but that probably had more to do with the quality of the tomatoes.  Half rotten tomatoes in February are not the best.

Good thing it made quite a bit, so I have a big jar in the fridge to use when in a hurry.

quick tomato sauce, from Silver Pg. 343.

Written by Megan

February 19, 2011 at 8:11 pm

Cream of Tomato Soup

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Last time I made this, the kids couldn’t get enough.  So I made a double batch this time, ensuring plenty left over to freeze.  If you have, or have ever had, toddlers, then you can see where this story is going.  I’ll cut to the chase:  Well, I for one liked it.

The addition of some carrots adds some extra sweetness and a little bit of flavor depth, which is very nice.  It’s really a terribly simple soup, with simple enough flavors that you could play with the recipe and add other things as needed.

Cream of Tomato Soup, from Annabel Karmel’s First Meals: Fast, Healthy and Fun Foods to Tempt Infants and Toddlers.  Pg 106

Written by Megan

January 18, 2011 at 9:41 pm

Posted in Karmel - First Meals

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