Megan's Cooking Log

cooking through my 30 linear feet of cookbooks

Posts Tagged ‘waffles

buttermilk waffles

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Another day, another waffle recipe.  These were really good, a little bit crispy but also light and fluffy.  I’ll definitely be making these again.

buttermilk waffles, from New Basics, pg 452

Written by Megan

February 21, 2011 at 8:04 pm

buttermilk waffles

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Our meals were all off today, and B cooked the kids a huge hot lunch and then went out to a work networking event, so I wanted something nice and simple for dinner.  Usually when we have dinner for lunch, I make lunch for dinner: sandwiches and all that.  But then I decided, why not breakfast?

This is easily the easiest waffle recipe I’ve come across: no yeast, no rising time, no separating eggs.  And they were very, very good.  This will probably be my main waffle recipe that I use in the future.

Buttermilk Waffles, from Williams Sonoma Breakfast.  Pg. 21.

Written by Megan

February 5, 2011 at 8:41 pm

Posted in WS - Breakfast

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Light Waffles

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Not a great recipe, but really good waffles.  How on earth are you supposed to “gently fold” beaten egg whites and whipped cream into a very thick, heavy, yeasted dough?  I had to take the electric mixer again and beat the bejeezus out of it to get it somewhat incorporated.

It was the first time I’ve made yeasted waffles.  They were a bit heavier and more substantial that most of the waffles I’ve ever made.  They were good, but I’m not sure I’m in love with them.  They were very rich, and that was definitely good.  But I tend to like lighter breakfast fare.  The kids seemed to love them, though.  The recipe didn’t make all that many, either: I got 8 plus a tiny little spare one.  I’m looking to make more than that, so I can keep them in the fridge and give them to the kids as snacks.

Thinking about it, I bet they would be really good as waffle sundaes, with ice cream and some hot fudge sauce.  I don’t think they’d get soggy and mushy right away, like a fluffier waffle recipe would.

Light Waffles, from This Good Food: Contemporary French Vegetarian Recipes from a Monastery Kitchen, by Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourrette.  Pg. 66

Written by Megan

January 18, 2011 at 9:37 pm